What Is the "Fitzpatrick Informer"?


I forget exactly when I first became aware of Timothy Fitzpatrick’s Fitzpatrick Informer, but I think I had probably come across his Twitter account sometime circa 2015, paying little attention to him at the time, however, as anti-Semitic Catholicism was a bit out of the way of my particular neighborhood of the internet. His site would occasionally turn up in the results of my web searches, so I was aware of his presence, but it was not until a few years ago, when I rediscovered him hawking fairly bizarre anti-communist conspiracy theories on Twitter, that I arrived at a more definite and definitely negative impression of him.

A survey of his Twitter activity from the years 2014-2015 shows a fairly typical consumer of alternative news media and conspiracy fare of that period, with Fitzpatrick tweeting links to Russia Today, PressTV, American Free Press, Daily Slave, Veterans Today, and the websites of David Duke and Henry Makow. In retrospect, it is interesting to note that, if anything, he exhibited a degree of sympathy with Putin’s Russia, pointing to US meddling in Ukraine and highlighting Russia’s progressive ban on GMO foods, for examples. At that time, Fitzpatrick had a WordPress blog, and as Jorge of the Wired recounts, “FitzInfo also had some good stuff on WikiLeaks and the ‘alt media’ as controlled opposition but his blog was banned from WordPress and he went too deep into Russiagate stuff and became a hysterical R-gater….sad!” [1] Indeed, breaking from the conventional wisdom of the Alt-Right, Fitzpatrick seems to have been swayed by the essentials of the anti-Putin smears attending Donald Trump’s election – asserting, however, that “the more important thing that Left-controlled narrative of Russiagate covered up was Russia’s Communist orientation.” [2]

The message “THE USSR COLLAPSED IN NAME ONLY!” appeared in the right margin of Fitzpatrick Informer sometime around 2018, and in his “Open Letter regarding the Russia deception of Western nationalists and the Church” of July 1, 2018, addressed to E. Michael Jones, Professor Kevin MacDonald, Nick Griffin, Jeff Rense, Michael Rivero, James Corbett, Henry Makow, Jordan Peterson, Patrick Wood, Nathanael Kapner, Mike Herzog, Christopher Bollyn, Michael Voris, and David Duke, Fitzpatrick laid out his new historical interpretation:

A small minority of us in the Western nationalist movement feel it imperative to alert leaders and persons of influence in our sphere of the great Russia deception. For it seems the great majority in our movement are being deceived on a massive scale by a decades-old, highly sophisticated, and highly co-ordinated campaign to lure the Church and Western nationalists into a trap in order to finally clinch world communistic government.

Essentially, the deception lies in the mistaken belief in the collapse of communist power in Russia, in the supposed Sino-Soviet split, and in the alleged rebirth of conservatism/nationalism/Christian orthodoxy in the current Russian Federation. Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn attempted to warn the world of this grand Russia deception in the 1980s through his contacts in the Central Intelligence Agency; however, we fear his efforts may have been sabotaged by Zionist agents within the CIA, namely one James Jesus Angleton. As a result, his message appears to have been blocked from reaching the appropriate channels of power in government and, ultimately, omitted from foreign policy plans of Western nations.

Golitsyn laid out in his memoranda to the CIA (made public through his two books: New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception) how the long-range Soviet plan – based on Leninist deception methods – was to restructure communism in China and the Soviet bloc to the more aesthetically appealing democratic socialism in order to lull the West to sleep over the world communist threat. Once this step had been accomplished (in the 1990s), the plan was to move on to the next phase, which would involve what Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov described as the demoralization of the Western social sphere, where the crypto-Soviet regime would externalize onto the West a seemingly contradictory policy of promoting opposing extreme Right and Left ideals as well as identity politics – with the hope of disarming, destabilizing, and weakening it. The perceived mystique surrounding this hyper-normalization doctrine has kept the public and Western analysts from detecting the stealth long-range Soviet plan for world government. As we have learned through the latest U.S. presidential election, the Soviets have manipulated the U.S. electoral process, mainly by way of mimetic warfare through the cyber medium, which polarized the electorate using well organized online troll armies. It appears that the crypto-Soviets were not as concerned with the winner of the election as they were with the resulting polarization of the American populace. The alleged Soviet blackmail of Trump just happened to be an [sic] bonus and insurance policy on their strategy. At present, Russia appears to be feigning a return to conservatism and Orthodoxy as part of its two-tiered hyper-normalization deception.

Putin, stealth agent of the World Judeo-Communist Conspiracy - and a cyborg, apparently

The “Perestroika Deception” thesis had gained some traction among right-wing conspiracy peddlers like Bill Cooper during the nineties, but Fitzpatrick updates it to incorporate the sinister menace of “top modern Marxist prophet” Alexander Dugin. “It is clear that Dugin […] is the rebirth of Karl Marx,” Fitzpatrick writes, adding, “Duginism appears to be the fulfillment of another important aspect of the world communist goal in the Warburg’s [sic] Kalergi Plan, which involves a push towards transhumanism and the de-Europeanization of the West through unfettered migration of mostly Islamic and Asiatic populations to Europe and its Western daughters in North America and Oceania.” “Furthermore, Israel appears poised to replace its military sponsor in the United States with the militaries of both Russia and China,” Fitzpatrick avers – incredibly, in view of Russia’s neutralization of Zionist proxy ISIS in Syria: “As we recently have seen, Russia is policing the Middle East on behalf of Israel with greater intensity.” [3] The letter naturally has nothing to say about the Catholic Church’s own role in promoting non-white migration to the United States and Europe, but one suspects that Fitzpatrick would simply attribute any such initiatives to “Soviet” infiltration of the Vatican or something equally stupid.

Some further background on defector Golitsyn (or Golitsin), whose writings seem to have warped Fitzpatrick’s outlook beyond repair, may be in order. “Anatoly Golitsin had first come to the attention of the CIA seven years before he defected in Helsinki,” David Wise recounts in his book Molehunt:

In 1954, when the KGB officer Peter Deriabin had defected in Vienna, he had named Golitsin as someone who might be vulnerable to recruitment by the CIA. At the time, Golitsin was a young counterintelligence officer working in Vienna. Deriabin was said to have told his debriefers that Golitsin had an exaggerated idea of his own importance and was disliked by his colleagues. [4]

“There is a shibboleth in the intelligence world that case officers fall in love with their agents,” Wise continues [5]. “In Golitsin, [CIA counterintelligence chief and Israeli asset James] Angleton had found a soulmate.” [6] Unfortunately for the Agency’s operations, Angleton’s patronage of Golitsyn in his hunt for an alleged mole named “Sasha” opened a “hairline fault […] within the CIA that in time was to become a cataclysmic earthquake.” [7] Among the defector’s most ambitious yarns was his allegation that British Prime Minister Harold Wilson was a KGB spy:

According to Don Moore, who headed Soviet counterintelligence for the FBI at the time, “Golitsin’s theory was anyone who spent a lot of time in the Soviet Union had to have been recruited [by the KGB]. Wilson spent time in the Soviet Union. But you must differentiate between Golitsin’s theories and what he knew. What he knew was solid and useful. His theories were something else.” [8]

Golitsyn also ruined the career of CIA Technical Officer Serge Karlow, Wise recounts:

[…] once Karlow was tarred as a mole suspect, the agency had been determined to get rid of him come what may. If it could not prove he was a traitor, then other grounds would do. A senior CIA officer who knew what had happened in 1963 declared, “They used the security material to frame Karlow with this chickenshit stuff.” [9]

A “1963 memo written by Lawrence R. Houston, the CIA’s lawyer, when Karlow was pushed out, said […] that although Karlow had not been shown to be the mole, his usefulness was over because of that accusation.” [10] In the late eighties, CIA lawyers “worked out an amount of damages that they felt Karlow was owed for having his career unjustly destroyed twenty-five years earlier.” The exonerated man “declined to discuss numbers; all he would say was: ‘It was under a million.’” [11]

Golitsyn’s Perestroika Deception was published by Christopher Story, an economic advisor to Margaret Thatcher and crackpot conspiracy junk-peddler whose own book, The New Underworld Order, purports to reveal the secrets of vast machinations of Luciferian Jesuits and the Illuminati. If such tales about the Jesuits are, as Fitzpatrick has suggested, the work of “agents of the Jewish-Masonic cryptocracy” [12], then what is one to make of such a figure promoting Golitsyn?

2018, the year that marks Fitzpatrick’s fateful descent into irredeemable conspiracy idiocy, also finds him in growing sympathy with NATO and the CIA. “I […] can certainly sympathize with the Western intelligence community’s perception of JFK as a communist saboteur of sorts,” he writes in a post in December of that year, continuing with characteristic eccentricity:

While I don’t believe JFK was a secret communist trying to sabotage Western war efforts, I struggle to find clarity in much of his foreign policy. […] JFK should have committed to Vietnam and definitely a Cuba intervention (Cuba went on to serve as a major Soviet narcotics trafficking point and revolutionary bully in South America as a result of a failed Western intervention during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban missile crisis. The failure also contributed to the mess in Nicaragua, Panama, and Mexico. Vietnam is also a key player in the Soviet narcotics network.). […]

After JFK’s departure from this planet, the Arab world would undergo a radical Marxist transformation that has served Israel’s interest of divide-and-conquer as well as World Jewry’s Kalergi plan of flooding the West with subsequently displaced Muslims.

The Putinists cry about how NATO supposedly has guns pointing at Russia from all sides; meanwhile, the crypto Soviet Union has satellites surrounding all of the Western powers, especially the United States. And with Great Britain now exiting the European Union, Russia now has their satellite Germany – the largest economy in Europe – as the sole inheritor of Eurasian directorship. JFK’s death allowed all of this to happen. [13]


Whereas, just a few years previously, Fitzpatrick was getting his news and opinion from outlets critical of the US foreign policy establishment, he now seemed to be devoting most of his time, coincidentally or not, to vilifying adversaries of Israel and NATO. Fitzpatrick Informer’s output can, to a large extent, be interpreted as an elaborate bad-jacketing campaign designed to reduce American dissidents’ solidarity with the forces most obstructive to the goals of Zionism and the US Empire. Vladimir Putin, whose government banned homosexual proselytization among Russian children, is himself a pedophile in the Fitzpatrick Informer mythos [14]. Sergey Lavrov, meanwhile, is a “crypto-Jew” according to Fitzpatrick’s sidekick “Josh” [15], and the same is probably also true of Xi Jinping, the same contributor insinuates [16]. Consistently hostile to anti-Zionists in the developing world, Fitzpatrick scolds that Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez “was a communist. Just because he was anti-Zionist doesn’t make him a hero of any kind.” [17] Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, similarly, was “just repeating [Soviet] #OperationSIG narratives. Blame the West.” [18] Syria’s “Assad is also KGB, like his father before him,” Fitzpatrick asserts [19]. Particularly suspicious is Fitzpatrick’s specific distaste for the Palestinian people. Yasser Arafat, who led the Palestine Liberation Organization during its initially militant decades, for example, is for Fitzpatrick yet another specimen of the ubiquitous “crypto-Jew” [20], and the blogger’s policy seems to be to create as many negative associations with Palestinians as possible, linking them with Jews, Black Lives Matter, Marxism, and whatever else appears most villainous to his gullible readership.

Is Timothy Fitzpatrick a deliberately bad actor – perhaps one in the pay of some intelligence service or other? His 4K+ Twitter following is hardly massive, nor entirely inconsequential after so many years of bans for right-wing and nationalist personalities. The suspicion has crossed my mind, but nothing about Fitzpatrick Informer’s graphics or presentation is especially fancy in a way that would indicate sizeable financial backing. More likely, I consider, is that Timothy Fitzpatrick is simply a person of mediocre intelligence, and possibly also mentally ill – afflicted with a condition Jesse Dunstan recently discussed on an episode of Just Jesse:

It's impossible to tell […] if they’re really like this or if it’s some kind of op. You literally never can, so you basically just treat it as both. […] I’ve seen so many examples over the years of a fake screenshot, a falsified story, just stuff that’s blatantly untrue, but people will fall for it […] if it fits an information profile of being somewhat outrageous, of being, seemingly, a secret someone’s keeping from you, that you’re not supposed to know, and if it upends somebody else’s, like, assumptions. It’s like it doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll just believe it. […] If you have some, like, knowledge that’s supposed to be apocryphal, and you can reveal it to a right-winger – a rightoid, I should say – in a semi-sensationalist way online, where they feel like they’re getting something they don’t get anywhere else, they’ll believe it without checking it, like a fake screenshot. […] These people tend to be the worst thinkers on the planet. They revel in, like, binary logic, binary thinking. It is the most childish, silliest thing in the world, there’s zero nuance, and they really epitomize what I said before, if you just present someone […] something they’re not supposed to believe, something that’s bad, they’ll just believe it, out of contrarian spite, really. […] [21]

For a certain mentality, there is not merely conspiracy, but always a deeper, darker conspiracy to be peeled back, and satisfaction for them derives from discerning the arcane conspiracy-within-the-conspiracy-within-the-conspiracy that mere dissident dilettantes fail to perceive and the feeling of superiority that goes with initiation into the elite among the cognoscenti, at least as experienced by these lazy investigators, in knowing that things are really so much worse than anyone else could imagine. The sort for whom the “Perestroika Deception” scratches an itch is motivated less by a quest for truth or by a desire to see an improvement in the geopolitical situation as by a cultish mingling of novelty-seeking and love of hopelessness. “So, when it comes down to […] what is to be done about the right-wing crazy people,” poses Dunstan, “my conclusion is get away from them.”

Rainer Chlodwig von K.

Rainer is the author of Drugs, Jungles, and Jingoism.


[1] https://twitter.com/saturnine_grace/status/1232738258813177856

[2] https://twitter.com/FitzInfo/status/1680267706786893825

[3] Fitzpatrick, Timothy. “The Russia Deception of Western Nationalists and the Church”. Fitzpatrick Informer (July 1, 2018): https://archive.is/KquOR#selection-121.222-129.176

[4] Wise, David. Molehunt: How the Search for a Phantom Traitor Shattered the CIA. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1992, p. 21.

[5] Ibid., p. 40.

[6] Ibid., p. 45.

[7] Ibid., p. 87.

[8] Ibid., pp. 107-108.

[9] Ibid., p. 317-318.

[10] Ibid., p. 319.

[11] Ibid., pp. 321-322.

[12] Fitzpatrick, Timothy. “Fallacies of the Jesuit Conspiracy Theory”. Fitzpatrick Informer (February 3, 2015): https://archive.li/LK3DA

[13] Fitzpatrick, Timothy. “JFK’s 3D Chess, CIA Anti-Communism”. Fitzpatrick Informer (December 4, 2018): https://web.archive.org/web/20190611044248/https://fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2018/12/04/jfks-3d-chess-cia-anti-communism/

[14] https://archive.ph/AZpDy

[15] https://twitter.com/dexx731/status/1566868043589984260

[16] Josh. “How Jews Took Over China and Created Chinese Communism”. Fitzpatrick Informer (July 18, 2021): https://archive.li/5TNGU

[17] https://twitter.com/FitzInfo/status/1283578481172008965

[18] https://twitter.com/FitzInfo/status/1191167540237623299

[19] https://twitter.com/FitzInfo/status/1431307460443312140

[20] https://twitter.com/FitzInfo/status/1672116273654943744

[21] Dunstan, Jesse. [Not] Just Jesse ep. 180 (June 22, 2023): https://therightstuff.biz/2023/06/22/not-just-jesse-180/


  1. I don't agree with all of his perspectives, but he does raise interesting points, such as both Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin wearing red string kabbalah bracelets (not to mention Trump being surrounded by it). That is absolutely significant and can't just be dismissed as crackpot conspiracy speculation. There's something very suspicious there and it's not the soap opera spectacle we're being given by both mainstream and "alternative" outlets.


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