What Is the "Fitzpatrick Informer"?
I forget exactly when I first became aware of Timothy Fitzpatrick’s Fitzpatrick Informer , but I think I had probably come across his Twitter account sometime circa 2015, paying little attention to him at the time, however, as anti-Semitic Catholicism was a bit out of the way of my particular neighborhood of the internet. His site would occasionally turn up in the results of my web searches, so I was aware of his presence, but it was not until a few years ago, when I rediscovered him hawking fairly bizarre anti-communist conspiracy theories on Twitter, that I arrived at a more definite and definitely negative impression of him. A survey of his Twitter activity from the years 2014-2015 shows a fairly typical consumer of alternative news media and conspiracy fare of that period, with Fitzpatrick tweeting links to Russia Today , PressTV , American Free Press , Daily Slave , Veterans Today , and the websites of David Duke and Henry Makow. In retrospect, it is interesting to note th...