Exonerating Stalin

For a certain species of lowbrow anti-Semite – or, at any rate, people who present themselves as anti-Semites – every bad actor in culture, politics, and business must be a Jew. Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, David Rockefeller, and even Stephen Colbert have all been accused of being crypto-Jews. “All serial killers, pedophiles, organ harvesters, usurers, and terrorists are Jewish,” the blog Shadow Masterminds claimed in 2013, for one egregious example of this phenomenon [1]. The natural effect of such gross exaggeration, whatever its intent, is to taint, trivialize, and discredit more reasonable criticisms of Zionism or forms of criminality in which Jews play a disproportionate role. I recently came across a particularly stupid specimen of the genre, and one too laughable not to share. In “ Stalin the Crypto-Jew ”, Fitzpatrick Informer contributor “Josh” dramatically points the finger at the Soviet Union’s Man of Steel. At the top of the post is a photo collage of Sta...