
Showing posts from August, 2021

Boomer Barbarism

  Yesterday I finished Viking Age Barbarian’s Ragnaroking! Ragnar ök, Collapse, Odinism, and Mathematics , published this year by Manticore Press – and not since reading the tedious Nicolae Ceausescu: The Man, His Ideas , and His Socialist Achievements , have I felt so abused and enervated in dragging myself across the finish line of the last page of a book. At 150 pages Ragnaroking! would have stood as a decent if unremarkable work of pagan polemics and prepper literature, but padded to 223 with some boringly bundled blog posts covering arcane controversies in arithmetical theory and physics, the book comes across as an awkwardly stitched-together Frankenstein’s monster.  Ragnaroking! is divided into three sections, the first of which is “Against Christianity”. Feeling a bit like something left over from the heyday of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, it consists of a series of not-particularly-interesting criticisms of Christianity, with VAB (rightly, in my view)...